It's May 2010 and i've been working out for a whole 3 months getting ready for Memorial day at Miami Beach. After 6 days a week in the gym with my buddy Chase and I doing abs at least 4 days a week I thought I was ready. Well, to make a long story short, we get there and the people of South Beach made me feel like i've never seen a gym a day in my life. I couldn't help but think they all were using some drug to help them look like that...
Like soooo many other gym goers my workout plan was severely flawed... I damn near killed myself every time I went to the gym but I didn't pay enough attention to what was on my plate. There's no secret to having killer abs, you can do all the crunches you want but if you do not create a calorie deficit to reduce your body fat, it's not going to work. In fact, it may make you look worse as your ab muscles grow (from all the crunches) under a thick layer of fat. I'm sure you know someone like this... Remember #AbsAreMadeInTheKitchen & #NotInTheGym!